Charlotte's Carnation Whipped Cream

Makes about 1 cup
Whipped cream is heavy for digestion. This is Charlotte’s alternative using a mixer.
1 cup Carnation evaporated milk
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup white sugar, separated 

Place mixer beaters and a 4 cups glass measuring cup in freezer until cooled.
Use cooled beaters to whip Carnation milk. Once whipped, mix in vanilla. Whip in one tablespoon of sugar. Add sugar one tablespoon at a time until sweet enough. Maximum 1/4 cup of white sugar.
Refrigerate whipped cream until ready to use.

Cream puff instructions
When ready to serve fill cream puffs with Carnation Whipped Cream and top with strawberries.

This whipped cream recipe is very good and can be used for many other desserts.